I Know You Are, but What Am I?
Oh the silly games we played as children. Anything to fill our time. Most likely rules were made up on the spot and the game could last for hours. Of course with competition comes challenge. In the heat of the moment arguments may ensue and insults are sure to be hurled. Nothing would be more irritating than when you called someone a name instead of calling you a name back in retaliation, a response of “I know you are, but what am I?” would seemingly be on repeat. In these moments I believe one of two things were happening; either that kid could not come up with anything clever to say, or they refused to accept the insult was true.
It is with frame of mind that you must face any and every opposition. What you are doing by turning it back to your opposer is wreaking havoc within them. You may think casting stones directly at them would work more in your favor, however this is not your typical warfare. See the sole purpose of this attack is to crush your spirit. By choosing not to engage what you are effectively doing is proving that you are standing on a higher playing field, and you cannot be brought to submission by anything that is beneath you. And you thought that it was just some trivial pursuit. No my friend. Some of the greatest lessons learned in life come from situations that you faced as a child when you were not even aware of the test that you were in.
So, what are you?